Tooth extractions Treatment in Mumbai


Tooth extraction are routine dental procedures that remove decayed, damaged or otherwise problematic teeth. We at Therapeuo usually make every effort to preserve natural teeth, although sometimes a dental extraction is necessary. Depending on which teeth are removed, they may be replaced with a dental implant or another oral prosthetic by our restorative dentist or prosthetic dentist (prosthodontist).

There are several reasons why you could need a tooth extraction:

  • tooth decay and very deep cavities (Most common).
  • Severe pain on chewing
  • Swollen and very tender gums
  • Teeth which do not come out of the gums (Impacted teeth), particularly wisdom teeth.
  • Advanced gum (periodontal) disease
  • Cracked tooth or broken teeth

Beyond tooth damage and tooth decay, here are some other common reasons for tooth removal :

  • Some people have extra teeth that block other teeth from coming in (supernumerary teeth).
  • Sometimes baby teeth don't fall out in time to allow the permanent teeth to come in.
  • People getting braces may need teeth extracted to create room for the teeth that are being moved into place.
  • People receiving radiation to the head and neck may need to have teeth in the field of radiation extracted.
  • People receiving cancer drugs may develop infected teeth because these drugs weaken the immune system. Infected teeth may need to be extracted.
  • Wisdom teeth, also called third molars, are often extracted either before or after they erupt in the mouth. They commonly come in during the late teens or early 20's. They need to be removed if they are decayed, infected, or if there is not enough room in the mouth.

Although many circumstances requiring extraction are unavoidable, some could be prevented with regular dental checks and clean-up visits to our dental clinic.

How you should prepare for a tooth extraction :

Before scheduling the procedure, our oral surgeon (dentist trained specially to remove teeth and carry out other dental surgical procedures) will take an X-ray of your tooth. Be sure to tell our dental surgeon about any medications you take, as well as vitamins, supplements, and over-the-counter drugs.

Please do tell our surgeon if you will soon be treated for another medical condition with an intravenous drug called a bisphosphonate. If so, the extraction should be done before the drug treatment, or your jaw could be at risk for osteonecrosis (bone death).

Some other conditions you should tell us about :

  • congenital heart defects
  • diabetes
  • liver disease
  • thyroid disease
  • renal disease
  • hypertension
  • an artificial joint
  • damaged heart valves
  • adrenal disease
  • an impaired immune system
  • a history of bacterial endocarditis

At Therapeuo we always want to make sure all your health conditions are stable or treated before you undergo the tooth extraction.

You might be prescribed antibiotics for the days leading up to the procedure if :

  • your surgery is expected to be long
  • you have an infection or a weakened immune system
  • you have a specific medical condition

It's helpful to keep the following in mind for the day of the tooth extraction in order to ensure quality treatment:

  • You will be receiving dental anesthesia so please do eat a reasonably heavy meal 2 to 3 hours before your appointment.
  • Don’t smoke beforehand.
  • Please tell us if you have a cold, as you may need to reschedule.
  • Tell your dentist if you had nausea or vomiting the night before, which may require different anesthesia or rescheduling.
  • Post surgery it is better to have have someone with you to take you home


Average Treatment Time :
45 Mins to 1 and
a Half hour


Average No. of Sittings :
Single Sittings per
tooth or Quadrant

Only we as dental professionals can tell you if you require a tooth extraction. However, you may be a candidate for the procedure if one or more of your teeth are decayed so severely that a tooth coloured filling, root canal treatment or other restoration is not a possibility for treatment.

If we agree to extract one or more teeth, you will be scheduled to return for oral surgery at a later date.

Before starting the dental extraction, the dental surgeon will take an X-ray of your tooth. This imaging will help them evaluate the curvature and angle of the tooth’s root.

Once the local anesthetic has numbed the area, the surgeon will begin the extraction. They may remove the tooth in several pieces.

If the tooth is concealed beneath gum tissue or bone, the doctor may need to cut away the gum or remove the obstructing area of bone.

You should not feel pain (pain free treatment), but you can expect to feel pressure against the tooth. You may also hear grinding and cracking of bone or teeth. Some people find the experience unpleasant and distressing but there is no need to fret as you are in good hands.

If you do feel any pain, please notify our dentist or oral surgeon immediately. The doctor will administer more numbing agent.

After the extraction, stitches or additional procedures to control the bleeding in the missing tooth area may be necessary.

The dentist or oral surgeon will place a thick layer of gauze over the extraction site and have you bite on it to absorb the blood and start the clotting process. You may be prescribed medications to help manage pain in the hours following your extraction.

Aftercare for an extracted tooth can vary slightly depending on a few factors.

These include which tooth our dental surgeon took out, as some teeth have deeper roots than others and take longer to heal. However, most people find that pain decreases after about 3 days.

One of the most important aspects of aftercare is maintaining the blood clot that forms in the socket where the tooth used to be.

Caring for this blood clot is key to the healing process, and it helps prevent painful complications, such as dry socket.

Days 1–2

Much of the aftercare in the first couple of days following an extraction focuses on allowing a blood clot to form and caring for the mouth in general.

As some experts note, low level bleeding for up to 24 hours after an extraction is perfectly normal. However, active bleeding after this point requires treatment and you should notify us immediately of the same.

The extraction socket in the area of the missing tooth may bleed for a few days. Please come and see us if the bleeding is heavy and doesn't stop.

You will be instructed to avoid certain foods and also keep the surgical site clean at all times.

Here are a few additional tips for the first 2 days of aftercare:


  • Get plenty of rest : Expect to be resting for at least the first 24 hours after the extraction.
  • Change the gauze : It is important to leave the first gauze in the mouth for at least 45 minutes to allow the clot to form.
  • Take prescribed medication : We will prescribe you pain relievers which will help reduce pain and inflammation. The dental surgeon may order prescription medications for complex removals. It is important to complete the full course of treatment
  • Use cold compresses: Placing an ice pack or a towel-wrapped bag of ice on the area for 10–20 minutes at a time may help dull pain.
  • Elevate the head: When sleeping, use extra pillows to elevate the head. Lying too flat may allow blood to pool in the head and prolong healing time.
  • Eat and drink cold or cooled-down food and drinks that do not require chewing such as yogurt, thin soup, milkshakes and ice cream.
  • Brush your teeth carefully. Avoid brushing the extraction site for at least a few days.
  • Use ice packs to reduce swelling and pain if needed.


  • Avoiding disturbing the extraction site
  • The first 24 hours after an extraction are extremely important.
  • Disturbing or irritating the area can keep blood clots from forming effectively and slow the healing process.
People should therefore avoid:
  • sucking on the extraction site
  • touching it with their tongue
  • solid, especially crunchy and hard foods
  • drinking alcoholic beverages or using mouthwash that contains alcohol
  • avoid strenuous physical activity at least for a couple of days.
  • Avoid rinsing : As tempting as it can be, avoid rinsing vigorously, swishing, or gargling anything in the mouth while the area is still clotting. These actions may dislodge any clot that is forming and affect the healing time.
  • Do not use straws : Using a straw places a lot of pressure on the healing wound, which can easily dislodge the blood clot.
  • Do not spit : Spitting also creates pressure in the mouth, which may dislodge the blood clot.
  • Avoid blowing the nose or sneezing : If the surgeon removed a tooth from the upper half of the mouth, blowing the nose or sneezing can create pressure in the head that may dislodge the developing blood clot. Avoid blowing the nose and sneezing if possible.
  • Do not smoke : Smoking creates the same pressure in the mouth as using a straw. While it is best to avoid smoking during the entire healing process, it is crucial not to smoke during the first couple of days as the blood clot forms

Days 3–10

A person should try to eat soft foods while recovering from tooth extraction.

After the clot has formed, it is vital to keep it securely in place and to follow some extra steps for oral hygiene to help prevent other issues.

Tips for aftercare between the third and 10th day include :

  • Saline rinses: When the clot is securely in place, gently rinse the mouth with a warm saline solution or a pinch of salt in warm water. This mixture helps kill bacteria in the mouth, which may prevent infections as the mouth heals.
  • Brush and floss as usual: Brush and floss the teeth as usual, but take care to avoid the extracted tooth (missing tooth area) altogether. The saline solution and any medicated mouthwash that we recommend should be enough to clean this area.
  • Eat soft foods: Throughout the entire healing process, you should eat soft foods that do not require a lot of chewing and are unlikely to become trapped in the empty socket(missing tooth area). Consider sticking to soups, yogurt, applesauce, and similar foods. Avoid hard toast, chips, and foods containing seeds.
  • Aftercare for multiple teeth Sometimes, our dental surgeon will need to extract more than one tooth at a time.
  • Caring for multiple extractions can be challenging, especially if they are on different sides of the mouth. Our surgeon will have specific instructions for such cases, and we may request a follow-up appointment shortly after the extraction.
  • They may also use clotting aids in the extraction sites. These are small pieces of natural material that helps clotting. The body breaks the clotting aids down safely and absorbs them over time.

Do not hesitate to call us if :

  • The swelling gets worse, instead of better.
  • You have fever, chills or redness.
  • You have trouble swallowing.
  • You have uncontrolled bleeding in the area.
  • The area continues to ooze or bleed after the first 24 hours.
  • Your tongue, chin or lip feels numb more than 3 to 4 hours after the procedure.
  • The extraction site becomes very painful -- This may be a sign that you have developed a dry socket.

The cost of a tooth extraction varies, depending on factors such as :

  • the type of extraction
  • how complicated the extraction is
  • who performs the procedure, as specialized oral surgeons will charge more than our general dentists, for example
  • The decision to remove the tooth will be done following a thorough dental check up which costs Rs 1500.
  • The average cost of a simple extraction starts from Rs 3000.
  • In certain cases, a special scan known as a Dental CBCT may be required to gather more information of the surgical site prior to the procedure of removing the tooth.
  • It is important to have a consultation with our dentist and/or our oral surgeon to discuss the procedure ahead of time.

Did You Know ?

Discomfort or dental pain in the extraction site is common and lasts for a few days. Most pain disappears 2-3 days after the procedure. Most healthy people don't need antibiotics after a regular tooth extraction.

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